Disaster Management

The Indian Red Cross Society emphasises that disaster risk reduction, and disaster preparedness in particular, play an essential role in reducing the human and socio-economic costs of disasters.

The Indian Red Cross Society advocates for mainstreaming risk reduction and disaster preparedness in both development and humanitarian aid policies and programmes through:

  • highlighting the positive impact of risk reduction and disaster preparedness activities on communities
  • disseminating information on the  Indian Red Cross Society experience and expertise
  • raising awareness of the humanitarian impacts of climate change

At Red Cross – Goa, we define Disaster Management as the organization and management of resources and responsibilities dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies, in particular preparedness, response and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters.

The first people to respond to a Disaster are those living in the local community. They are the first to start rescue and relief operations. The Red Cross Society – Goa, therefore focuses on community-based disaster preparedness, which assist communities to reduce their vulnerability to disasters and strengthen their capacities to resist them.

Priority areas of work

In the area of Disaster Management focus is given to:

  • Humanitarian Aid
  • Civil Protection