We have all seen the recent Disasters taking place in India especially in the form of floods and landslides in the States of Uttarakhand & in Kashmir and the tragedy that unfolded. We have initiated a Disaster Management Cell in Goa that is being formed to prepare, manage and mitigate Disasters that may occur in Goa, to the extent we are empowered and capable of. Towards this end, we will be contacting Government & Non-Governmental Agencies, Businesses as well as Institutions, Colleges and Schools to collaborate and assist in our Indian Red Cross Equipment procurement and Resource requirement plans.
We will be building a team of Volunteers to help those affected by disasters in Goa receive emergency services such as lodging/shelter; food; emotional support; clothing; family reunification and information about how to access services.
Awareness & Training Programs for Volunteers will be arranged in-house with IRCS as well as with Governmental, Non-Governmental Agencies & other Organizations that are equipped with the required specializations for our Volunteers to improve preparedness and response at all levels before during and after disasters and to give all components of the Movement the means to work together in a coordinated manner. The focus of disaster management training is generally on improving the technical skills of the participants, and also on personnel and team management.
Volunteering with the Red Cross pays many career-building dividends to an individual: you learn new skills; demonstrate maturity and community responsibility to employers and enables you develop an understanding of the work Red Cross does around the world. Your work with the Indian Red Cross will make you feel great, costs nothing; and allows you to utilize your existing skills as well as develop other skills.
Assisting the Indian Red Cross Society – Goa, in this herculean capacity building effort by an Organization is one of the best investments and is one of the noblest forms of Corporate Social Responsibility. The more you give, the more you get, the difference you can make in the lives of others, will bring about immense satisfaction.
Remember the Indian Red Cross Society is not an NGO. It is a Humanitarian Organization set up by Act of Parliament. That means, it is auxiliary to (works in partnership with) the Indian Government, but is neutral, impartial and independent of the Government.
If you wish to join hands with us, in assisting with our procurement plans and resource requirements please call our Hon. Project Director – Shri Adolph Castellino @ 98221-22030.
Copyright Red Cross Goa 2025